Light Industrial

We believe in treating our people well and the Retention follows

“It’s not how much you pay me, it’s how you make me feel”

The secret recipe to retention is


Turnover is expensive

It requires recruitment, onboarding, and training of new employees, which can be resource-intensive.

Turnover disrupts operation

New employees often take time to reach the same level of efficiency as experienced ones.

Turnover reduces productivity

New employees may not have the same level of expertise or familiarity with processes.

  • High turnover can pose safety risks. Experienced workers are often more aware of safety protocols and are less likely to cause accidents

  • Investing in training for employees who then leave shortly after can be a waste of resources. Monitoring turnover helps assess the return on investment in training programs.

  • A constant high turnover rate can make it more challenging to attract new employees, as potential candidates may view it as a sign of instability or dissatisfaction within the organization.

  • Analyzing turnover data can help identify the underlying reasons for employees leaving. This is valuable for handling the issues, such as poor management, inadequate training, or unsatisfactory working conditions.

Automation and Technology Integration

While automation and technology can improve efficiency, their implementation can be a challenge for some light industrial companies. Adapting to new technologies and integrating them into existing processes can be costly and require upskilling of the workforce.

Labor Shortage

The fact that you made it to this page reading this, you know one of the most pressing challenges in the light industrial sector is the shortage of skilled and reliable labor. Finding and retaining qualified workers can be difficult, leading to increased competition for talent.

Safety Concern

The nature of light industrial work often involves physical labor and potential exposure to hazards. Maintaining a strong safety culture and compliance with safety regulations is essential but can be challenging. Promoting a safety culture is the first step.

Incident, Regulation, Compliance

Compliance with safety regulations and standards is mandatory in most light industrial workplaces. Failure to meet these requirements can result in legal consequences, fines, and damage to the company's reputation.

Rapid response and proper documentation for incidents. Stay up to date on regulations and policy updates. Do you know know exactly what to do for OSHA visits?